Noah Kim

Noah Kim

Product Manager
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    For enterprise customers, offers the flexibility to create digital business cards with a custom domain or subdomain, giving your team a cohesive and professional online presence. We can also help personalize your cards to align perfectly with your brand’s graphic guidelines, including custom colors, logos, fonts, and imagery.With our enterprise plans, your business cards will reflect your unique brand identity while maintaining a consistent look and feel across your entire team, enhancing both recognition and trust among clients and partners.Transform your team’s digital identity with a fully branded experience at!


    Our department was looking to cut costs and digital business cards helped us do just that!

    Money saver!

    I left my paper business cards at home and needed one quickly for a networking event. I was able to create one in a few minutes online!

    Instant Business Cards!

    I have multiple businesses and needed a digital business card for each one. The basic plan included everything. Nice job!

    Multiple Businesses
    Multiple Businesses
    So happy!